Monday, 30 October 2017


Last year for Orctober I wrote a post about my views on Orcs and the darker side of Orcs before presenting my solutions over a month later. This ear I decided to realise a project I've been meaning to do for a while. Build an Orc baggage train for use in my rapidly changing version WFB 3rd. Edition!

Unfortunately, as with all my wargaming projects, the reality of time prevented my ambitions. Well not quite, I did not finish the baggage train, but I did get started on painting the models and have an end in site. How ever, at the moment I don't have much to show, just one fully completed model.

I see this model as representing the sort of thing a prisoner would see looming over them as they wondered why they had not been killed. It is an Orc who has got to the point (and age) where eating captives is a simple pleasure. Cooking them and showing that your fellow Orcs that this adds to the enjoyment of battle is his aim in life. He has dozens of snotling and goblin servants who help him prepare the food and find fresh meet while he runs a busy kitchen with his meals in huge demand. Specialties, such as halfling, cooked in a stunty, cooked in a humie would cost you a massive share in the loot you obtained in the battle. But it is worth it!

I'm not massively happy with the results I got painting this, but this is because I haven't painted for a while so need more practise to get back to my usual not very good standard of painting. The model is, of course, a warmonger miniatures Orc.